Taski Maiden

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"I don care! I DON CARE!!! >:OO GO AWAY!!!"
— Taski Maiden, Dream BBQ

Taski Maiden is one of the new characters set to appear in Dream BBQ.[3]


Taski Maiden is a feminine humanoid character who largely resembles a child. The entirety of her figure, with the exception of her hair, is outlined in a tan margin, with two rectangular growths sprouting from the outline close to the right side of her head. The left side of her face has pale-grayish skin, while the right side is mostly covered in black with a red kite-shaped eye. Her legs and right arm are black with three red tips each. She wears a yellow dress with curly red hook designs on its rim and a gray chakana in the middle. The color of the dress also expands to form her left arm, which sports three fingers. On the top of her head, she wears a pale-yellow hat with bumps resembling cat ears and a red triangle design. She also sports a red fringe, with four round stretches of hair that have pointier ends reaching out behind her.

In one piece of concept art, she is shown with a dark-green aguayo that has beige and black stripes. It appears to hold her two unnamed companions.


Taski Maiden's overall personality is currently unknown. According to Joel Guerra, she has a high-pitched voice. Joel has described her as a "little gremlin," suggesting that she could be mischievous.



  • Taski Maiden is one of the unlockable avatars on Joelgc.com.

Cultural references and inspirations

Chimu kingdom textile.jpg
  • Taski Maiden's overall look matches the appearance of some warriors on a wool textile panel from the Chimú culture.[4]
  • Taski is a word in Quechua that can mean a girl or virgin.[5]

