Coral Glasses

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"I turned down another job opportunity to be here..."
— Coral Glasses, Dream BBQ

Coral Glasses is one of the new characters set to appear in Dream BBQ.[2]


Coral Glasses appears as a feminine humanoid character. She has completely white skin with black shoulder-length hair. She wears one glasses lens that morphs into a tan piece of coral sporting circular red patterns, covering her right eye. The red patterns also move towards the tips of the coral, creating a strange loop as new patterns appear and disappear. She wears a black suit, pants, and shoes with a white tie and undershirt. Her face also shows her to be constantly sweating.



  • Coral Glasses's design originates from an older art piece by Joel Guerra, originally posted in July of 2020.[3]
    • This is also the origin of her name, as "Coral Glasses" is the text accompanying the post.

Cultural references and inspirations

  • Coral Glasses's appearance may have been inspired by the character Kanamori Sayaka from Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!. Among other similarities, Sayaka wears glasses and has similar hair to Coral Glasses. The teeth-revealing frown often worn by Sayaka may have also inspired Coral Glasses's apparent constant nervousness, with Coral Glasses even having a similar frown in part of the art piece from 2020.

