Auction Day

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"These are the utmost grand of days! This is going to be so, so- awful!"
This article contains spoilers for Auction Day. Please read at your own risk.

Auction Day is the first episode of the ENA animated series.


"This is going to be so, so...awful!"

The beginning shows a stage with the Headtombs gathered around it. Ena and Moony are approaching the stage where an auction will soon be held. Moony hurries Ena, stating that they need to hurry and find a spot while Ena moves about. Ena positively states that the days the auctions are held are the grandest of days before her eyes show static and she turns into her sad state, crying out "Awful!" before stating that the day will be the worst day of her life.

Arriving at the auction, Moony is surprised at the crowd present, commenting that everyone is ugly. Moony then asks Ena for a guess at what would be for sale that day. Ena, still in her sad state, begins to put herself down and asks why she would know, saying that she is too stupid to even imagine anything. Shortly after her comments, she reverts to her previous state and apologizes to Moony for her reaction.

On the auction stage, a blue and purple cassette tape rises before its arms fade in. It grabs a small puppet and inserts its green proboscis into the back of its head, causing it to jolt into action. The puppet welcomes the bidders to the daily auction and presents the item to be sold, a 3D render of a dog inside an hourglass. The Auctioneer seems quite confused with the item being sold, but quickly regains their composure and offers a starting price of 20 chocolates. As the price is announced, Ena compliments Moony for her brilliant foresight upon seeing the big offer starting off the auction. Moony remarks about how the dog looks like it has something to say before laughing at her own joke, receiving a questioned look and a grossed-out comment from Ena, asking Moony what is wrong with her.

Upon hearing the starting price of 20 chocolates, the Headtombs around Ena and Moony begin to chatter and bid. One tomb bids 50 chocolates, surprising the Auctioneer as they ask if there is a counter bid. Another tomb offers 400 chocolates[1] while a third one offers one fatty catty. The Auctioneer announces the fatty catty bid before beginning to finalize the bid for the Hourglass Dog, only to be interrupted by falling rain-rocks crushing some of the Headtombs. As Ena and Moony look up at a large passing head, Moony sadly claims that the auction will likely be canceled due to the rock rain.

The weather causes the auction to be canceled.

As the two stare up at the sky, Ena suddenly puts both her hands over her mouth and static fills her eyes. She falls onto her knees and vomits static onto the ground, disgusting Moony as she tells Ena she was rude and that she ought to ask permission first. Ena apologizes and laments her (lack of) intelligence while talking with her sad voice. Ena then turns her head towards the static she vomited and watches as it transforms into an Hourglass Dog identical to the one sold during the auction.


Concept art

All of the concept art in this gallery appears in the credits for Auction Day.



  • The voice actor for Ena's happy side is Marc Rafanan in this episode instead of Gabe Velez. This is the only occurrence in which Marc voices Ena.
  • Auction Day is currently the only ENA episode that is fully in 4:3 aspect ratio. Currently, all other episodes afterwards use fullscreen displays.
    • However, the beginning segment of Extinction Party uses this format as well, though this is not carried over once Ena enters the Maze.
  • The head present in the sky while the rain rocks fall is modeled after Joel Guerra's face.
Ena with her transformed face on the black side.
  • Despite Ena's comment about auction days being the "utmost grand of days", the Auctioneer calls the event the "daily auction", implying they are not actually that special.
  • While Ena transforms into her sadder form near the beginning of the episode, a single frame shows her with her mouth and nose on the black side of her face. This unique transformation is never seen outside of this episode.
    • A similar occurrence appears when she reverts back to normal, showing her face switched to its black side as static fills the white side. This style of face is only ever seen in this episode and the "ƎNA Lenticular Pin" merchandise.
  • Before icosa, another track by Oliver Buckland titled "I got cross at this because I couldn't develop it so it sat alone on my hard drive for 4 months"[2] was almost chosen as the music for Auction Day.[3]

Cultural references and inspirations


External links