Stairway Void

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"C'mon, ENA. JENA. Pbbf."
This location does not have a confirmed name. This means the article's title serves to describe the location until one is received.

The Stairway Void is a location inside the residence of The Great Runas that appears in Temptation Stairway.


The Stairway Void is simply a large, black void with almost no notable landmarks within it. However, there is a large group of staircases floating in the void, each having a blue set of stairs with a red and yellow carpet running down them, leading to an empty doorframe. One stairway has a glowing doorframe that leads to the Mannequin Expanse hall once entered.


The Stairway Void is where Ena finds herself after pursuing The Great Runas during its parade. The area is accessed after The Great Runas is absorbed by a Mannequin with black hair, a blue dress, and a single orange eye. After running into the dressed Mannequin, a sharp noise plays, and the screen cuts to black. Ena is seemingly unconscious until she awakens to see a pile of Mannequin corpses, presumably those that got to The Great Runas. After turning to the left, Ena sees the same dressed Mannequin that absorbed Runas, now with a completely black eye.



  • During a Twitch stream titled "Temptation Stairway Walkthrough", a stream dedicated to showing behind-the-scenes content related to Temptation Stairway, Joel Guerra stated that the camera work for the Stairway Void was the most difficult out of all of the areas in the episode.
  • On the Temptation Stairway soundtrack cover featuring the Stairway Void, it is given a starry background similar in design to the texture of The Great Runas's cape.
  • The Stairway Void is similar in appearance to the Holy code ocean that Ena jumps into from the Hourglass Meadow. Both areas are largely black and empty, save for some Mannequins and doorways floating within them.