Dead God Graveyard

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"These are the utmost grand of days! This is going to be so, so- awful!"
This article contains spoilers for Temptation Stairway. Please read at your own risk.

The Dead God Graveyard is a location inside the residence of The Great Runas that appears in Temptation Stairway.


The Dead God Graveyard is entered through a hall in a pyramid located in the Desert. A short drop into a tunnel with water and code-based walls leads to the entrance of the graveyard. The entrance has a brown, rocky, cave-like interior with a single sliding door donning a pattern resembling two black eyes with tears running down, the same pattern seen on The Great Runas's door. Surrounding the entrance are pillars of white light.

Inside the Dead God Graveyard is a large, expansive area with many pillars. Each pillar has a door similar to the one on The Great Runas's residence, though their eyes are closed, they lack tears, and they do not emit a faint blue glow like Runas's door. The sky is a deep green, with clouds resembling figures swirling around it. A single pink pathway leads to one of the pillars that has The Great Runas's door.


When Ena enters the Dead God Graveyard, she is greeted by Moony. Ena asks how Moony was able to get to the area in such a short amount of time, to which Moony responds that she is "asking too many questions". Moony allows her to ask another question, and Ena asks what Moony's wish was. Moony retorts in embarrassment before she transforms into a skinny humanoid form, telling Ena that she wished to be thinner as Ena looks on, shaking her head. Throughout this interaction, Ena's blue side slowly turns yellow, resembling her happy side and making her fully yellow.



  • The design of the Dead God Graveyard was credited on a Twitch stream as being designed by John Fraser. Concept art of the design has also been released.

Cultural references and inspirations

  • The interior of the Dead God Graveyard resembles that of a painting by Polish artist Zdzisław Beksiński, which features a similar foggy, pillar-filled landscape. It was also stated on Joel Guerra's Twitter that Zdzisław Beksiński was an inspiration for some aspects of the ENA series.[1]
    • Some concept art of various locations appearing in Temptation Stairway shows that the Dead God Graveyard originally had an orange and brown appearance, which more closely resembles the original painting by Beksiński.
  • The linear structure of the Dead God Graveyard may be inspired by the Sun Faces Heave in the game LSD. Both areas are composed of a straight path leading to a single face-like structure. The game has also been stated to be one of the series's inspirations.[2]
