Blood ID

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"These are the utmost grand of days! This is going to be so, so- awful!"
This article contains spoilers for Temptation Stairway. Please read at your own risk.

The Blood ID is an item given to Ena by The Shepherd in Temptation Stairway.

Once Ena gives The Shepherd a Turrón, The Shepherd exchanges the gift for the Blood ID and allows Ena to pass by her. Later in the episode, Ena gives the Blood ID to Mariya and Gabo, to which Mariya retorts by saying it tastes nothing like Ena. Nevertheless, the two still allow Ena to continue.



  • The Blood ID resembles a cross between a computer hard drive chip and a lanyard identification card.
  • Another use for blood as a method of identification is mentioned in the episode Extinction Party when the Keeper requests a blood sample from Ena due to her "exterior" not matching their "community's typical standards". It is plausible that this item may show a certain discriminatory nature in certain characters.
    • This form of identification may be a satire of ethnicity and/or social status issues in Peru, the home country of series creator Joel Guerra. More central, richer, and guarded parts of certain Peruvian cities, particularly Lima, are often inhabited by those of European descent, while the outer parts of the city are inhabited by descendants of Indigenous Peruvians. The Blood ID likely acts as a form of identifying bloodlines in order to enter the Maze, the latter symbolizing the more closed urbanizations of Peru.